The 2019/20 Committee

Wendy Field Chairman and Treasurer

Ian Day Secretary

Gill Collier  Tournament Co-ordinator

Chris Bayliss Knockout Co-ordinator

Simon Dabbs - Levels rep

VACANT - Mixed rep


The 2018/19 Committee

Wendy Field Chairman and Treasurer

Ian Day Secretary

Gill Collier  Tournament Co-ordinator

Chris Bayliss Knockout Co-ordinator

Simon Dabbs - Levels rep

Chris Dawson - Mixed rep


The 2017/18 Committee

Wendy Field Chairman and Treasurer

Robin Bugden Secretary and Tournament Co-ordinator

Simon Dabbs - Levels rep

Chris Dawson - Mixed rep


The 2016/17 Committee

Wendy Field Chairman

Stuart Pilkington Treasurer - has declared this to be his last season

Robin Bugden Secretary and Tournament Co-ordinator

Martin Evans - Levels rep

Chris Dawson - Mixed rep


The 2015/16 Committee

Wendy Field Chairman

Stuart Pilkington Treasurer

Robin Bugden Secretary and Tournament Co-ordinator

Ruth Millard - Levels rep

Chris Dawson - Mixed rep


The 2014/15 Committee

Wendy Field Chairman

Stuart Pilkington Treasurer

Robin Bugden Secretary and Tournament Co-ordinator

Ruth Millard - Levels rep

Chris Dawson - Mixed rep


The 2013/14 Committee

Wendy Field - League Chairman

Stuart Pilkington - League Treasurer

Robin Bugden League Secretary and Tournament Co-ordinator

Kevin Jenkins - Levels rep

Graham Hutchings - Mixed rep

Having stayed on the committee for many years after last playing in the league, Richard Axe stood down at the AGM. "Da yoof" is represented on the committee with the nomination of Graham Hutchings (KAW) to the committee. Also new to the committee for this season is Kevin Jenkins (Gryphon). We are still on the look out for a new Treasurer with Stuart Pilkington having faithfully fulfilled the role for about 40yrs.


The 2012/2013 Committee

Wendy Field - League Chairman, Mixed Results Secretary

Stuart Pilkington - League Treasurer

Robin Bugden League Secretary

Richard Axe - Mens doubles results secretary - final year on the committee

The committee also carry out the role of Tournament Co-ordinator and have done for a number of years. The committee are hoping to find a new volunteer at the next AGM to undertake the role of mens doubles results secretary and a year later to find a volunteer as SES Leagure Treasurer to allow Stuart to stand down from that role after being on the committee for about 40years and being Treasurer for all but the first few years. None of these are huge chunks of work as the league is not huge. If anyone might be interested in joing the committee please feel free to ask one of the current committee for more information or send any queries to us via the Feedback page of this website.


The 2011/2012 Committee

Wendy Field - League Chairman, Mixed Results Secretary

Stuart Pilkington - League Treasurer

Robin Bugden - League Secretary

Richard Axe - Mens Doubles Results Secretary


The 2010/2011 Committee

Wendy Field - League Chairman, mixed doubles league results secretary

Stuart Pilkington - League Treasurer

Robin Bugden - League Secretary

Richard Axe - Mens Doubles Results Secretary